Charlena always knew that her kitty Samantha was feisty—she ran the house after all—but Samantha was family. She’d been family for more than five years and kept Charlena company through difficult times in her life, including being a major source of support during the COVID-19 lockdown.
So when Samantha began to drool uncontrollably, Charlena was so worried. She didn’t know what the problem was, but knew that Samantha needed to see a veterinarian and receive medical treatment. The problem was that Charlena was on a tight budget and wasn’t sure how she would afford the care that Samantha needed.
Charlena began searching for options that were accessible to her. She called clinics around the area, but none were in her budget. Charlena was beginning to consider all of her options, including humanely euthanizing Samantha if she couldn’t find an accessible option for care. Then, one of the clinics she called recommended that she bring Samantha to Mission Animal Hospital.
Charlena brought Samantha to Mission Animal Hospital’s Urgent Care, where our veterinary team discovered that the cause of Samantha’s drooling was the loss of several teeth and lesions that had developed following the lost teeth. Her mouth was uncomfortable due to the dental disease, and Samantha had been hiding her discomfort for a long time. Cats are stoic, and don’t show the pain they’re feeling to their owners. Samantha needed a sedated dental cleaning to fully address the situation.
Charlena was so grateful that Mission Animal Hospital was willing to work with her to find a solution to afford the dental care that Samantha needed, and Samantha was able to have her procedure just a few days later.
Now, Samantha is decidedly more friendly. Since Samantha’s procedure, she’s been more outgoing with visitors and more affectionate with Charlena. With the hidden pain of dental disease addressed, Samatha is happier and healthier.