Name: Chelsea
Title: Client Service Specialist
1. What do you do at Mission and what does an “average” day look like?
I'm a CSS, we do all face to face client communication and some phone/online stuff.
2. Tell us about a patient or client that sticks with you.
Not a specific client/patient, but I love being able to help our spanish speaking clients. They are always very appreciative.
3. What drew you to Mission?
I'd always heard great things about this place and I want to be able to help low-income families.
4. Are you a cat or a dog person?
Dogs have a special place in my heart but I love any and all animals 😊
5. Tell us about your pets!
I have a 5 y/o pitbull/boxer mix named Flash. He's a huge baby and makes me hold his hand when we watch tv.
6. Anything else you would like folks to know?
I love all things spooky and horror so please talk to me about your favorite scary movie 👻